Cultured, or Nah?

S4 E6: "Not a regular mom" - Redefining the New Age South Asian Mom

Shabnum Gulati Season 4 Episode 6

What do you think when you hear the term "mom"? What do you picture when you picture a desi mom? Taking the previously uncool to cool, we're seeing a new generation of women claiming all aspects of their identity - motherhood, South Asianness, their hobbies, their kids, and everything in between. Today we have on Jyoti Chand (@mamajotes on Instagram) and we talk about how and why the image of what a South Asian mom is has changed. Jyoti talks about her journey as a creator and how she juggles the multiple identities and perceptions that come with being a South Asian woman and mother. 

Note: the title is a reference to the film Mean Girls, and not in any way meant to diminish the role mothers play in our lives.